Monday, January 14, 2008

little misunderstanding BIG ENTERTAINMENT

So...I've had blogger's block. You should see how many drafts I have written that just need some editing in order to qualify for posting. Oh well. Tonight I promised Candace that I would share this little story. We were walking through the parking lot, headed to the gym to meet Katie. While walking, Candace exclaimed, "hey, there she is right there!" There was a car coming right towards us and I assumed that was what she meant and believing wholly that it was Katie in the car I jumped out in front of it and did a little dance. I won't describe the little dance as I generally encourage the use of ones imagination...! Well, suffice it to say, the two girls in the car were really quite entertained and I got 2 big thumbs up from them as I noticed Katie walking towards us in the parking lot. The humiliation only lasted a second, may the entertainment last a lifetime!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! I laughed just thinking about the "little dance." Very clever of you to dwarf you dancing to "little." It was anything but! Fantanstic!!