I want to share my favorite story of the evening. Lets call it, "life lessons from Bratz Dolls."
Maybe you've seen them, maybe not but Megan did not want her beautiful little girl playing with trashy little Bratz dolls. When Lexie started showing interest in said dolls Megan put her foot down and took the opportunity to teach Lexie about hoochie mammas. She told Lexie that she could have Barbies and any other doll but that she did not want Bratz dolls because they are hoochie mammas. When little Lexie wondered out loud what a hoochie mamma is Megan simply responded, "they are girls that wear too much make-up and not enough clothes."
Lexie is a ball of fire and one of Megan's more trying blessings. She has really taken to heart the lesson she learned that day about hoochie mammas and never passes up an opportunity to point them out in public. "Look mom, she's a hoochie mamma!" while she has her hands planted firmly on her hips and her eyes roll up as she bats her eyelashes. While she understands the concept of hoochie mamma (as explained by mom) she is not always clear on its application. While watching her beloved Nutcracker she timidly asked, "Mom, she doesn't have any straps on her dress. Does that make her a hoochie mamma?" Guess it is time for that lesson on classy vs. tacky...Good luck Megan, I love you!

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