Sunday, January 27, 2008

Don't clean the bathroom with Soft Scrub!

I had a friend named Jillian when I was little. It was always fun to go over to her house to play because she only had one older sister so her house was quieter. We liked to build forts in the hallway, closing blankets into the drawers and cupboards on one side and the bedroom doors on the other side. We were pretty creative too. Once we decided that it would be fun to help out and clean the hall bathroom. The bathtub, shower walls, sink, toilet and floor. We cleaned it all but kept wondering why everything was all white and grainy when we tired to rinse it. When my mom came to pick me up and they came looking for us we still weren't quite done. Truth be told, we were starting to get kinda worried about all the white powder all over the place and had closed ourselves in the bathroom. It took our moms about an hour to clean up our helpful little mess. The bathroom was REALLY clean! I don't think I was invited back for a while.


kylem said...

I once had a roomate in college who used Comet on the floor instead of something like Pine Sole (that you don't have to wipe up). When the apartment manager came for the cleaning check (I was at Ricks College at the time) she marked us down because the floor was all white.

Candace said...

My sisters roomate spilled canola oil all over the tile in the kitchen. She didn't know how to clean it up so she threw a towel over it and told her housemates not to slip. At least you were pro-active!