Regret does not carry with it the energy of remorse, the sting of
compunction, the sacredness of contrition, or the practical character of
repentance. We even apply the term regret to circumstance over which we have had
no control, as the absence of friends or their loss. When connected with
ourselves, it relates rather to unwise acts than to wrong or sinful ones. --C. J. Smith.
Since I am human, I am unwise all the time. Hopefully I will learn wisdom by making a better choice next time rather than regretting a decision and not changing.
So, next time I will:
Pay the extra $10 to see the Harem
Not eat the second piece of pie
Wake up a little earlier, its not worth the rescheduling fee
Go to class, good grades are worth it
Ask for help
Offer to help
Go, cause I WILL feel bad if I miss it
Pull over to take a short nap
Keep my mouth shut
Be a little bit more organized
Be a little less scared
etc., etc., ETC.!

I totally know what you mean! Rescheduling fees bite the big one!
Hope you still feel this way with your new car!!!
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