Tuesday, October 23, 2007


On my recent trip to Romania I saw and heard several funny things and there is just one more I want to share. You know the movie Knocked Up? Well it is currently playing in Bucharest under the title:
Un Pic Insarcinata

A little bit pregnant

Granted, I never learned much slang in Romanian so maybe it really does translate, but...?


Caroline said...

I've been a lot a bit pregnant three times. Makes sense.

Love your blog.

Candace said...

Aparently they didn't see the movie. She is a little bit pregnant for about 45 minutes then she gets a LOT bit pregnant. And then she become de-pregnant and is none bit pregnant. When are the Romanians going to learn?

Hilary said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the sign above the marquee translates:

Wouldn't it be nice if there existed someone who could know exactly what you want?

Followed by:

Knocked up!