This city probably smells like garbage the ordinary nose but those who know and love Bucharest will roll down their windows in the car as soon as they leave the airport. Let me back up a little. I had a very uneventful trip and despite two layovers, one in Houston and the other in Paris, I didn't have even one extra minute between flights and slept the entire flight from Houston to Paris since no one was in the seat next to me, NICE! The office elders picked me up in Buc and after dropping off 80 lbs worth of goods from my luggage for missionaries at the mission presidents home we headed toward Unirii where I would be staying. Courtesy one wonderful sleeping pill I slept like a baby until church the next morning. Though I tried to keep my expectations realistic I was still so sad at how few faces I recognized. I was also sad about how much of the language I have lost but I am improving each time I open my mouth, hooray! I am still looking forward to some of my favorite foods and a taste of Transylvania. Marie will be here tomorrow night and off we go to either Athens or Istanbul, itinerary still in the works...For now, la revedere si va iubesc!
I am so excited that you are blogging and all! Elated about the sleeping pill as well as your ability to shove off 100 lbs on your mission president. HAVE SO MUCH FUN! (all is fine here, if you know what I mean)
i'm glad you got there safe can't wait to hear of all your adventures!!!
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