I feel like a five year old on Christmas Eve! I have jumped up and down while clapping enough times in the last few days to be really embarrassed but I have a good reason. I leave in 3 days! I already have it all planned out...stay up all night Thursday packing, work till 2 on Friday, be at the airport by 3pm for my 5pm flight, read for as long as I can on the plane to stay awake and then sleep for the remainder of the 21 hours! Sounds good eh? I actually have 2 connecting flights that will interrupt my nap, one in Houston and the other in Paris, not a fan of either airport but it is a means to an end. I also have sleeping pills!
I get to Bucharest at 2:30 Saturday and will be in Romania till Wednesday, seeing all Transylvania has to offer! Wednesday we're off to Athens and several days of Greek Isles! We'll hop all the way over to Ephesus, Turkey and then we'll be on a train to Istanbul! A few days in Istanbul and then we fly back to Buc. Two weeks of pure bliss (and hopefully no pickpockets)!
Jessie's mom advises, "kiss a man in every country you go to!"

My mom advises, "be careful , and watch out for pickpockets!"

Natalie advises, "watch out for vampires."
Thanks for the good advise ladies, I'll see what I can do!
Dad Advises...Don't Karaoke with the Gypsies!
Definately kiss in every country ESPECIALLY if the guy is a vampire! I am so excited for you! Have a fantastic time and rock their socks off!
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