Friday, September 28, 2007
After a long walk and a short tram ride we decided that a day of shopping had earned us a massage at the Turkish baths. I for one was a bit unfamiliar with what exactly a Turkish bath is and what it might entail. As Wikipedia's defınıtıon ıs not quite accurate I wıll explain a little and leave the rest to your imagination. Turkısh baths or Hamam are actually places where you are bathed. Note, I did not say places where you go to take a bath. Similar to going to get a massage, one removes ones clothing, wraps in a cloth and then the similarities pretty much end. I am stopping here sınce after several attempts I find I am at a complete loss. Again I persuade you to use your imagination and well, hmmm, would I do ıt again? Of course, ıt was amazing!
We had a wonderful Turkısh dinner that I cannot pronounce and delicious dessert! I love baklava!
(sorry no pictures but they will be coming soon!)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Istanbul was Constantinople (and its nobody's business but the Turks!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Some funny stuff I've seen and far!

Monday, September 24, 2007
Something about the smell...

This city probably smells like garbage the ordinary nose but those who know and love Bucharest will roll down their windows in the car as soon as they leave the airport. Let me back up a little. I had a very uneventful trip and despite two layovers, one in Houston and the other in Paris, I didn't have even one extra minute between flights and slept the entire flight from Houston to Paris since no one was in the seat next to me, NICE! The office elders picked me up in Buc and after dropping off 80 lbs worth of goods from my luggage for missionaries at the mission presidents home we headed toward Unirii where I would be staying. Courtesy one wonderful sleeping pill I slept like a baby until church the next morning. Though I tried to keep my expectations realistic I was still so sad at how few faces I recognized. I was also sad about how much of the language I have lost but I am improving each time I open my mouth, hooray! I am still looking forward to some of my favorite foods and a taste of Transylvania. Marie will be here tomorrow night and off we go to either Athens or Istanbul, itinerary still in the works...For now, la revedere si va iubesc!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
3 Days!

I get to Bucharest at 2:30 Saturday and will be in Romania till Wednesday, seeing all Transylvania has to offer! Wednesday we're off to Athens and several days of Greek Isles! We'll hop all the way over to Ephesus, Turkey and then we'll be on a train to Istanbul! A few days in Istanbul and then we fly back to Buc. Two weeks of pure bliss (and hopefully no pickpockets)!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
"Ooh baby, do you know what that's worth?"

You may qualify this under one of those small things but to me, the difficulty of carrying out said task is ridiculously disproportionate to the actual effort it ought to take. Though I am no Broadway performer, I can carry a tune. I have been in choirs, musicals, performed at church and I am a rock star in the shower! I don't know what it is about a smokey bar full of people that makes my palms sweat but I cannot do it. I took some first steps last night at Monks. Candace invited me to join a group of her thespian/musical friends for Saturday night karaoke. Step one, I went...step two, I sang Belinda Carlisle's "Heaven is a place on earth" with three other girls. It was fun, there is no denying I had a blast! I'll be brave next time.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
College Football and Asbestos?
At 3 o'clock I met my sisters, Natalie and Cecily, to head up to the Utah v. Air Force game, the first home game of the season. This pathetic alum doesn't even own a Utah t-shirt and sat in the visitor section courtesy of Natalie's friend and some free tix. It was fun even though the Utes didn't walk away with the victory. Go Utes!

After the game I had plans to go see King of Kong: A fist full of quarters, with Lance. This is where the asbestos comes in. I arrive to find a frantic and still wet from the shower Lance. He jumped the gun on some ceiling popcorn removal and is now certain he is going to die in two weeks from asbestos poisoning. I took him to go pick up a pizza knowing food always calms and cheers him but even this could not work. I left a drier but equally frantic Lance, frustrated to be thwarted in not my 1st, not my 2nd, but my 3rd attempt to see the above mentioned documentary. I hope Lance realizes that it is not insensitivity but a strong sense of logic that allows me to feel frustration in his time of need. Good luck Lance, and good luck to me in my next attempt to find hilarity in a documentary about video games!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Drunken Humor