Jessie asked me the other day, "if you had all the money in the world but you still had to work, what would you do?" Wow, can that be my real situation? So if money were no issue...first, I think of all the wonderful traveling I could do and I think maybe I want to be Samantha Brown from the Travel Channel. She has so much fun checking out great hotels, eating at great restaurants in beautiful cities, touring amazing sites and getting the special treatment and behind the scenes info that normal tourists don't have a clue about. I want her job. But then, I really do love helping people. Despite the fact that already more than once this week some of my disrespectful juvenile delinquents have nearly brought me to tears of anger and rage. There is that indescribable satisfaction that comes when I am having a conversation with one of them and I have a moment where I know that I have made a difference in that kids life. Amazing. I have a feeling I would change jobs a lot.
Maybe one year I would do community theatre,
another year I would be a scuba instructor in Costa Rica (hey jess, maybe your Chilean friend can help me with that),

the next year I would volunteer in an orphanage in Africa like my friend Vicki.

Do you see my dilemma? I just graduated from college and have student loans to pay off. I cannot even decide what I want to be when I grow up and I sure don't have all the money in the world. But, I have a great imagination and I am adventurous. My mom always told me to take every good opportunity I had and I have done my best to follow that good advice.
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