Thursday, July 3, 2008

Friendly People

Let me tell you a little about myself. First, I would not consider myself a friendly person, or maybe I am just not outgoing!?! I am quite shy and a little stand-off-ish. It is usually perceived that I am stuck up and that bothers me sometimes but not enough to change. Second, I like to people watch. I find infinite entertainment and amusement in watching people interact, maybe that is why I majored in sociology. Humanity is an interesting thing and individuals are just so unique (is that redundant, did I just say the same thing twice? haha). Third, I am not particularly athletic. Though I enjoy most sports there are some I find impossible and usually I just like to be a spectator. I am a great fan!

My work has a softball team and they play on Wednesday nights and I have enjoyed watching the games. I always make sure I get there a few minutes late to make sure I don't get asked to play, they never seem to have enough girls. This Wednesday I arrived a few minutes into the game and found my usual spot on the bleachers. I generally have someone with me but this week I went alone and didn't recognize any of the other fans cheering for my team. There were two men a few rows up who were obviously rooting for the other side but I was getting a huge kick out of their commentary and disdain for the strange and seemingly made up rules they were playing by. One of them turned around and made some friendly chit chat when he realized I was a fan of the opponent and I did my typical nod, smile and one word answers. The other was a little more persistent at being friendly...He won me over when he offered me a water from his cooler. He said he'd like to offer me a grown up drink (beer) but I didn't look grown up enough. Anyone who thinks I look under 21 can most definitely be my buddy! I laughed, accepted a water and proceeded to have a great time talking to Paul (that's his name) for the rest of the game.

So, I learned a few things about myself. First, maybe I should be a little more friendly, it doesn't hurt. Second, engaging in conversation with a stranger can be just as fun as watching strangers. And third, I am still no athlete and still enjoy being a fan!


Gatlin Gang said...

I too am not so outgoing, but have found it usually makes life more enjoyable.

okie said...

Maybe next time you can have an adult beverage, but for you I will always have water.

Candace said...

You arrive at games a few minutes late? That's not exactly how I remember it. As I recall, we wasted an hour until the game started.

PS- I'm glad you made friends with the enemy!