Today when I walked into the cafeteria, a group of boys had just arrived for lunch. I purposfully walked directly to the vending machines and began inserting quarters for a Diet Coke. My
name must be fun to say because they sure say it a lot. "Hil-uh-reeeeeee, Hil-uh-reeeeee" in a sing songy voice, over and over and over. I finally
looked over, smiled and said, "hey guys." To which I got the response:

"Hil-uh-reeeeee, I like that shower curtain you're wearing!"
The funny thing is that I think he was being sincere! Huh?
(Later that evening I went out to dinner with friends in said shirt...That is Nora, Dyan's darling baby girl!)
Where did you get your cute shower curtain? Funny thing: This morning (Sunday) Jess told me he like my shirt and my curtains (skirt).
I can't see the whole shirt, but what I see looks cute. What do dumb teenage boys know anyway. Look at what they choose to wear!
I am so glad that you finally posted that story. Too bad you didn't include the statement that later followed. :)
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