I believe happiness comes from having realistic expectations and being thankful when things exceed our expectations. When our expectations are not met we need to a) concede that we have aimed too high b) believe it will be better next time or c) amend our expectations so we are satisfied with what we have.

I wont always fine-tune my expectations to fit the situation, I simply refuse. I think that if expectations are set too low there is no effort made to be anything better than average. I look at my life and I wonder, are my expectations too high? Am I asking for more than my fair share or better than I deserve? Will having high expectations always leave me feeling disenchanted? There are some, I believe, who truly do have preposterous and unreasonable expectations, they are unhappy. There are others who set their expectations just out of reach and are confused and bitter that they never grasp their unattainable ideals.
Is it wrong to ask to live in an idealistic reality? Is it possible to find the happy medium, having high hopes and practical expectations? I shall try!
I don't recall ever having the expectation conversation with you. I think it is possible to be a realist and find the happy medium. It took me awhile to find that. That was a lot of my problem with hitting 30. What I had "planned" my whole life hadn't happened. But after analyzing the whole thing, it was lame and petty and didn't matter. My life was pretty dang good. I still don't like being in my 30's though.
You have got to try and come down for one of Wyatt's Music Man performance's. He is going to be so dang cute!
Boy have you summed up my entire experience for the last two years. However, I think sometimes our expectations aren't too high, or low, or unrealistic, they just are based on what we know from previous experiences. Perhaps that is part of adjusting them to match reality. But the point, I really appreciate how concisely you have put this. You're amazing! And that's no low expectation. You meet that one time and time again. ;)
Can't wait to see ya girl!
"The first Championship is always the hardest" Michael Jordan
Then I beleive your expectations are lifted and you start to feed off all the hype you have built for yourself, and then try to duplicate your success in meeting them. After you have duplicated it a second and third time your expectations become reality.
hello i was searching the web to find a good picture of "expectations" and i found your blog..
this a great theme to discuss.. i think that we both share the same view about the "expectations"..
but i think that high expectations also rise from too much choice :
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