I realize that my work experiences may not be nearly as amusing to you as they are to me. Take it or leave it, I am sharing another hilarious event from my workday. Same 4 foot
shrimp, same obscenity but this time there was cake! Today one of our very diligent and extremely
narcissistic patients graduated from high school and left with his parents. It was quite traumatic for other patients on the unit as he was a leader and good friend to all of them. Upon entering the Cafe for the graduation ceremony, our favorite 13 year old said, "hey, come sit by me!" I obliged him and sat in amusement as he wriggled in his chair and clapped at all the wrong times during the speeches. After all the talking we served cake and while I was carefully cutting small enough pieces as to not to give our patients too bad of a sugar high, this same small child came up to me and asked if he could give the graduate a hug. We do not allow hugging so I sent him to ask his therapist. Apparently her response was NO because within minutes the little guy was throwing chairs and crawling under tables to dodge the staff. He ended up right
behind the cake table and with not one but two sweeping motions managed to send all but 5 pieces of the yummy cake soaring into the air. It is always nice for the parents of graduating patients to get a real feel of what their child has gone through in their time here with us. I just wish we could have had a decent food fight, but no, we have to act like grown-ups.
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