I just got called an f*&$%n' b*%#h upwards of a dozen times. The best part is(you are wondering, can there really be a BEST part to this story, there is) that I was called said name by a 4 foot nothin' 13 year old who hits like a 7 year old girl. He thought I was threatening him when I asked him to stop building a fort under the table in my classroom. What...I asked nicely? This is recreation therapy not day care punk!
P.S. This is the same kid who last week stated matter of factly that children should be punished by putting them up in trees or leaving them in grave yards. Yikes...I hope he never reproduces.
1 comment:
I have wittnessed on occassion this very same thing (directed at staff, if not at me). You are much more gracious than I. I would simply giggle and mention that "eight years olds shouldn't speak like that" unleashing a new run of explatives. Hooray!
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