Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Rules=NO FUN!

Aside from all rules imposed on me by government, religion, work, lease agreement, cell phone contract, etc. I have a strict set of self imposed rules including but not limited to:

No Coke (except Friday and Saturday)

No eating after 6:30pm

Drink at least 2 Nalgenes full of water a day

Short showers (hello, save the whales)

No touch-y! (use your imagination)

Be nice (one of the tougher ones:)


No Blogging at work (yeah right!)

Sometimes all these rules seem to amount to "No fun whatsoever!" What's with that? If rules are supposed to keep you safe, protected and help you to avoid doing things you will regret, why do I sometimes regret having to follow them? I follow these rules with a hope that they will secure my continued happiness and prevent me from getting crapped on. I hope I am right!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Laughs!

This little clip cracks me up and since blogger has made it so easy for me to post videos, I wanted to share. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Violated :o

Today at work I was violated. While standing unsuspectingly at the nurses station on one of the units, a patient walked out of the day room and gave me a hearty smack on the left cheek, that would be my butt cheek! (x!_) For those of you who need visuals, X marks the spot! In case you are wondering, it happened over an hour ago and I can still feel the sting. The saddest part is my reaction...I always think that if I am violated I am going to retaliate with a knee in the groin, a smack on the face or an elbow in the gut but noooo, all I could say was "EXCUSE ME!?" The other sad part is that Frank, the wonderful gay unit manager who witnessed all of this is more shaken up than me. Poor Frank:(

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Big Love!

I was apprehensive at first, even sent my e-mail to HBO stating my disapproval. I was too hasty. I have fallen in love with Bill, the wives and all of the Big Love family. I now join in the discussions with various coworkers about the hysterical circumstances and crazy symbolism packed into each episode. I initially observed these gatherings with pure annoyance, I mean seriously, what was the big deal. BIG LOVE...Well, see for yourself, I am hooked!

Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm so lucky!

I have a pretty fun life. I work hard and I also like to play a lot. Call me entitled, call me spoiled, whatever, I just have my priorities straight. Notice that the title of this blog is "I'm so lucky," that is because I recognize that it is a blessing to make FUN one of your priorities.

I'm so lucky...
let me count the ways:

1. Went to Hawaii in March with Jessie, we had a ball!

2. Graduated from the U of U on May 4th, not so much fun but evidence of hard work paying off.

3. Went to Grass Valley, CA with friends in July for several days of boating and general fun in the sun.

4. Just returned from Idaho, we had a really great ward camp out. I went river rafting for the first time ever, tons of fun.

5. I just bought a plane ticket to visit Romania! I served my mission there several years ago and it is time to go back. My friend Marie is in the Peace Corps there and we are going to travel to some of the surrounding countries including but not limited to Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. I can hardly wait. Let me know if you have any suggestions of great places to see over there.

6. Last but not least, this is just the beginning. I am young and probably have a load of wonderful fun things in my future. One thing I will not be doing this summer is attending my 10 year class reunion. Go Wasps!
Like I said, I am pretty lucky!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Name calling part II

I realize that my work experiences may not be nearly as amusing to you as they are to me. Take it or leave it, I am sharing another hilarious event from my workday. Same 4 foot nothin' shrimp, same obscenity but this time there was cake! Today one of our very diligent and extremely narcissistic patients graduated from high school and left with his parents. It was quite traumatic for other patients on the unit as he was a leader and good friend to all of them. Upon entering the Cafe for the graduation ceremony, our favorite 13 year old said, "hey, come sit by me!" I obliged him and sat in amusement as he wriggled in his chair and clapped at all the wrong times during the speeches. After all the talking we served cake and while I was carefully cutting small enough pieces as to not to give our patients too bad of a sugar high, this same small child came up to me and asked if he could give the graduate a hug. We do not allow hugging so I sent him to ask his therapist. Apparently her response was NO because within minutes the little guy was throwing chairs and crawling under tables to dodge the staff. He ended up right behind the cake table and with not one but two sweeping motions managed to send all but 5 pieces of the yummy cake soaring into the air. It is always nice for the parents of graduating patients to get a real feel of what their child has gone through in their time here with us. I just wish we could have had a decent food fight, but no, we have to act like grown-ups.