Monday, October 29, 2007


I willingly admit irrational fear of a few things. Here are 2:

1. Scary movies. The last one I saw was The Grudge and I swear just the other day I heard that freaky noise while I was down in the laundry room. I ran back up to my apartment!

2. Spiders. Just tell me about a creepy spider you have seen and I shiver. Hate em! Think about it, they crawl over your body while you are sleeping, they can spin a web inside your shoe, they suck your blood (and that is only sexy if it is done by a vampire!).

This little video cracks me up though! I like the marijuana spider...first, cause I like hammocks and second cause he's willing to sacrifice for what he wants!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Well, rumor has it you swallow six spiders every year. They come down to drink the moisture from your lips and then *slurp*. It is natural behavior to suck your lips when they are tickled...Just thought you might want to know.