Monday, November 5, 2007

Vest Guy

What do you think of when you hear VEST GUY? Well, I thought, "I'm gonna need a picture of that!" Luckily I had my digital on hand and got this shot of the vanity plate on the big black truck so proudly displaying the following:

WOW! I wondered if maybe he is just proud of his vest collection or if he wears only vests. I didn't know or understand until I looked a little closer and realized that he was also proudly advertising that he makes costom vests. So I wondered some more...

Does he make a variety of custom leather vests?

Or...maybe a selection of homemade sweater vests? With skull and cross bones of course because he is the vestguy!

But maybe his wife helps out with special purpose vests like these for the donation and adoption teams at S.P.C.A? I really like the see through money holding pocket thingys!

And of course there is always the good ol' florescent variety. But can't you buy those at any sporting goods store?

After a few minutes of good laughs I pulled up behind him at a stop light and read the smaller print. I admit I was a little disappointed that he doesn't hand knit manly vests. Obviously this vest guy is a guys guy though because he specializes in Police, Fire, EMS, Military and Safety vests. Being one who is very grateful to all who offer these valuable public services, I understood that someone who makes custom vests for them is an asset to all of us. It cleared up all my questions except...

Airsoft vest, seriously, if you need a costom vest you probably shouldn't play!


Candace said...

I feel that the world is more beautiful now that I know "Vest Man" is part of it. He supplies our community with the very vests that give our lives meaning and drive. God bless you, Vest man. God bless you.

Darby said...

I'm so glad you got a picture with the phone number. I'll be calling and ordering my new custom vest for this upcoming winter.

Tara said...

I wonder if vest man would make custom vests for me and my roommates?! I can totally see darby sporting that donation vest! Can't you!?