Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I do dumb things all the time. Since you read my blog you deserve to benefit from some of these absurdities.

Last week I was doing my laundry in the basement of my apartment complex. I came up the stairs and walked into my apartment. It seemed a little strange that the knob turned so easily, usually it kinda sticks. Hey wait, this isn't my apartment at all, its number 10. YIKES! I closed the door as quickly as possible and quietly walked toward my door hoping the tenant in #10 would not notice. I heard him open his door and slowly turned around, my cheeks bright red, and apologized. "Sorry, I just got mixed up, sorry!" He assured me that it was okay and laughed uncomfortably. I am such an idiot!


Caroline said...

I can't count how many times I've walking into a men's bathroom and had that instant "something-is-not-right" feeling. Then in notice the unfamiliar urinals and I can't get out quick enough.

Candace said...

Hahahahaha!! Silly Hilary!!
PS: I am a little of a lot sore today.