Thursday, May 22, 2008

I hate MANURE!

I love the Back to the Future movies. Remember how the bully Biff is always picking on Marty McFly? One of the best parts of the movie is when McFly gets him back and Biff is all pissed because he wrecks his car. That would have been good enough for McFly but it gets even better. Biff had crashed into a manure truck and gets the whole load of s*%t dumped on him. SUCKA!!!!

Today I felt like Biff. I am not a bully and I did not deserve to feel stupid! It turns out feeling foolish just wasn't enough...I got the whole load of manure. NO FAIR!

On a happier note, it is the 2 hour season finale of Gray's Anatomy tonight and then I am going to see the new Indiana Jones movie. That is HOURS of distraction...yippee! And tomorrow I am flying to Denver to see Mandy and her family...YIPPEE! Life goes on.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The BEST motivation...

I went to the gym last night and kicked my own butt with a vengeance. It didn't occur to me until later what had motivated me to push myself so hard. So, apparently:


Who knew? I was on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I ran about half of that time...for those of you that know me you know I HATE to run. I walked uphill for a while and pretty much soaked my t-shirt through with sweat, yikes! Hopefully this will last a few weeks as I do not recommend intentionally putting your ego on the line and many swimsuits does one need?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I do dumb things all the time. Since you read my blog you deserve to benefit from some of these absurdities.

Last week I was doing my laundry in the basement of my apartment complex. I came up the stairs and walked into my apartment. It seemed a little strange that the knob turned so easily, usually it kinda sticks. Hey wait, this isn't my apartment at all, its number 10. YIKES! I closed the door as quickly as possible and quietly walked toward my door hoping the tenant in #10 would not notice. I heard him open his door and slowly turned around, my cheeks bright red, and apologized. "Sorry, I just got mixed up, sorry!" He assured me that it was okay and laughed uncomfortably. I am such an idiot!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He's HOME!!!

Brandon got home from his mission last night. I don't know how we lived without him for 2 whole years. It was so fun to see him and I can't wait to hear all about Samoa!

Ladies and gentlemen, its "a skirt that does pockets" at least that is how it translates.

"I love my sisters"

All the brothers together after 4 years! They are the BEST!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A more complete list...

My computer has a virus which means I can only blog if and when I have time at work. I have been working on this for a while, more to help me be thankful than anything else. So, here is a list of 50 of my favorite things.

1. My family.

2. Lip gloss.

3. Staying up as late as I want and sleeping in the next morning.

4. The ocean, everything about it! Sand, salt water, the sound, waves, everything!

5. Einsteins bagels with the girls on Saturday morning.

6. Good movies.

7. Snuggling during a good movie.

8. Bath & Body works body cream.

9. Standing in a hot shower taking longer than I should.

10. When I actually get to work on time.

11. Listening to someone when they're ready to talk. Being their "person."

12. Art...Vermeer, Van Gogh, Klimt, Rodin.

13. Traveling.

14. Dave Matthews Band.

15. Being sassy.

16. Laughing really hard.

17. Writing.

18. Long conversations.

20. My boss Michelle.

21. Reading a good book.

22. Sitting in the car in the rain.

23. Singing really loud in the car or shower.

24. Explaining something and having someone "get it."

25. Dressing up.

26. Dreaming. I dream all the time about everything!

27. Friends that you don't have to explain things to.

28. Finding out I can do something I didn't know I could do.

29. Clever lyrics.

30. The Gospel.

31. Cheering for someone I love at a sporting event.

32. The color green.

33. Recycling.

34. Jewelry.

35. Laughter.

36. The BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.

37. LOST and Gray's Anatomy.

38. Diet Coke.

39. Hoodies.

40. Going out to eat.

41. Great co-workers.

42. When Al leaves me a message that rhymes.

43. Brownies, ice cream & hot fudge.

44. Movie theatre popcorn.

45. The previews, especially when they can almost make you forget what you are there to see.

46. When flying is cheaper than driving.

47. When my bathroom is really clean.

48. Blogs.

49. First kisses.

50. Going to the gym.