Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jessie found my list

I went to a birthday lunch a couple of years ago for a friend and that morning she had been on a hot air balloon trip. She said it was on her list of 30 things to do before she turned 30. What a great idea, having a list of things and giving yourself a deadline. Really, I am probably going to want a list of cool things I've done to make turning thirty a little easier. Last March, as Jessie and I drove to Las Vegas to fly to Hawaii, we made our lists. Mine was sitting on my bed when I returned home today, she must have found it in the move and since she is currently staying at my place she returned it to me, yay! I enjoyed reading ove it and have even done some of the things already!

30 things to do before I'm 30:
  1. See the Grand Canyon
  2. Go visit my mission (check)
  3. Go river rafting (check, check)
  4. Watch the sun rise from Mt. Timpanogos
  5. Start writing a book
  6. Learn to quilt
  7. Start investing in retirement
  8. Buy a pair of designer jeans
  9. Choose a career (in progress)
  10. See a new country each year (check: Greece, Turkey, Hong Kong)
  11. Sing karaoke by myself
  12. Go to spiral jetty
  13. Travel somewhere on a train (check, Bucuresti to Istanbul)
  14. Read "Mere Christianity"
  15. Go sailing
  16. Attend a Sundance movie
  17. Go to General Conference at the conference center
  18. Learn to play tennis (in progress, haha)
  19. Run a 5k (training in progress)
  20. Watch "Casablanca"
  21. Read Doctrine & Covenants
  22. Wear a size 6 (in progress)
  23. Live alone (check)
  24. Send out Christmas cards
  25. Sew something I can wear
  26. Go snowshoeing
  27. Go to a session at the Logan Temple
  28. Go to a session at the Manti Temple
  29. Document trips in a photo album
  30. Learn to snowboard (check)

Most of them are simple, not expensive and certainly within my grasp. I have 10 months left, feel free to help in any way you see fit!


Candace said...

I can certainly help with 'sing karaoke by myself' and I own Mere Christianity, if you would like to read it (it's awesome! And a fast read). Also, I am happy to watch Casablanca with you as it is one of my all time favorite movies. Sweet!!

Gatlin Gang said...

I will help you with Karoake and the Grand Canyon. I can't believe you have never purchased a pair of designer jeans. I have a pair of CK's I bought while pregnant with Bradyn. Not realizing that the hips shift wider with child bearing. I can't wear them. I can get them on and zip them, but the hip bones are way uncomfy. So if you want to buy them for $1.00 (if they fit of course) They will be the cheapest pair of designer jeans you'll ever purchase.