When I was little, we used to go get a family picture taken every other year. We would drive into L.A. with hot rollers in our hair and upon arrival at the studio we would change into our fancy clothes and mom would do finishing touches on our hair. It always seemed like a major production and mom was usually super stressed out by the time the photographer said "say cheese!" It was before the days of digital cameras and there were so many of us that it was always just a crap shoot to see if we could get a good one of everybody.
It hasn't changed, even though we can all dress ourselves now and we can approve the digital snapshots before we finish, we can't seem to stop goofing off long enough to get a good one of all of us. Mom wanted to get a few pics of the family since we are finally all together again. We skipped the studio, the hot rollers and the fancy clothes and took some shots in Natalie's living room. You don't enter into an endeavor like this without a plan. Strategy #1: take pictures in small groups. Strategy #2: Get the grumpy kids first. Stragegy #3: Do not attempt to get any photos with the entire family. With the boys making all the girls laugh and the girls needing multiple shots to approve it got a little frustrating. Plus, there was a tasty birthday cake sitting on the kitchen counter just begging to be eaten. Here are some of our results...

and here are some of the out-takes...

We actually deleted most of the crazy ones. My family cracks me up!