Monday, November 17, 2008


My brother Bryan is freakin' hilarious! As he was getting ready to leave our parents house last night I walked over to give him a hug. He had his arms crossed over his chest and rather than uncrossing them he lifted them up and put them over my head for a tight squeeze. He then proceeded to explain that he doesn't usually give full front hugs because he is so tall (6'6") and girls heads end up resting right in his "clevage" or "pillows." He gave me another big hug to demonstrate the problem but this time, for added enjoyment, he made the pillows dance. Thanks for the hug Bryan!
Just in case you were wondering what his pillows looked like;)


Natalie Black said...

Too bad you missed his "sleeping bag" demonstration the other night.

Gatlin Gang said...

At least it isn't his head in their "pillows"!