Sunday, February 10, 2008


Last November my car was broken into. I generally keep nothing of value in my car as a precaution and that fateful night was no exception. The lucky bastard who broke into my car that night is the proud thief of a temple bag containing one white dress, one white slip, white knee highs and size 71/2 white slippers.

Car break-ins are a cronic problem here in Downtown Salt Lake City. A few weeks ago Katrina was a victim, they were kind enough to leave her stethascope but emptied her ash tray of about $8 in quarters. Emily was home in the middle of the day last Monday while someone broke into her VW Golf that was parked on the street. Honestly...the middle of the freakin' day! Unfortunately, they stole her iPod.

At 8:30 this morning my phone rang indicating someone was at the front door of my apartment building. I pressed the appropriate key on my phone to release the lock figuring someone had simply made an error. Several minutes later there was a knock on my door. I am a good, law abiding citizen but your mind does funny things when you look through the peep hole and see two policemen. Officer Martinez and his partner asked if I was the owner of a blue Toyota Corolla. After I told him I was he stated that it had been broken into along with several other cars in our private, off street parking lot. SERIOUSLY...!?!

Many of you know I purchased a brand new car just before new years. I still have the plastic over the front floor mats and I just put on my new license plates last night. They stole my cd's, my knit gloves, broke my ipod transmitter (it is plugged inside my center console, not in sight), they popped my trunk and stold a grocery bag with items for my missionary brother...expensive stuff like a box of cinnamon toast crunch, a cake mix and frosting, starbursts, etc. The best part is that rather than just breaking my window, they opted for the "bend the window frame with a screw driver" method. BASTARDS!

Of course no auto glass places are open on Sunday and my lame insurance company doesn't even have an after hours line and their voice mail is full. At least it isn't supposed to snow again until Tuesday...should we call that, "the bright side?"


Candace said...

I am so sorry to hear about the break in. Those are terrible, especially with a new car. Let me know if you want me to track down some scumbags, I have friends at the Police Department. Condolences.

Anonymous said...

That totally sucks!!! Twice in less than a year. You have every right to be ticked off. Let me know what I can do.