While this post was mildly inspired by Avatar, it is not about the movie at all. It is a frustrating thing, thinking about how much is consumed and discarded each year by each person from the most wasteful to the most green. Wasteful people seem to disregard the fact that others are affected by their carelessness. In Avatar, the Na'Vi believe they are all connected to each other, to nature, one eternal round so to speak. I got thinking about consumerism and how there are people who, in not considering their connection to others, are emotional consumers.
There are people out there, I know some of them, who say they do not "need" others. People who do not form close relationships or who have so many "associates" that they do not really invest in others. We have all heard the concept emotional bank accounts, we make deposits so that when we need our friends, we can make a withdrawal. Emotional consumers do not make deposits because they do not intend to ever make withdrawals, they don't "need" anyone. These individuals have forgotten that just because they do not invest does not mean that their friends are not investing in them.
I just decided that I don't really want to expound on this subject any further...I will conclude by simply stating:
Emotional consumers suck!
That's an interesting connection. I think it's a very apt one.
the inconquistables the novel that everybody is talking about ¿...u dare to in..? http://xoxo-productions.blogspot.com/
Are you going to up date this poor blog? he he he...
I really enjoy this post of yours.
I unfortunately am working on investing emotionally. I got to say, it is a very hard thing to do. You need time, effort and care to make these close relationships. There's always the rejection or not finding people you can "click" or "connect" with.
Wish me luck.
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